September 14, 2017
New York State Education Department
89 Washington Avenue
Board of Regents, Room 110 EB
Albany, New York 12234
89 Washington Avenue
Board of Regents, Room 110 EB
Albany, New York 12234
Dear Members of the New York State Board of Regents
[Individually Addressed]:
I request that you consider a comprehensive review of New
York State public school curricula to identify omissions and inaccuracies that
lead to ignorance and misrepresentations of history.
In light of what occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, and the
movement in the aftermath to remove symbolic, though controversial, monuments
across America, the time is right to do right.
When I was the principal of Beach Channel High School from 1997
to 2002, I asked a certified teacher of English to tell me his favorite James
Baldwin novel. He said, to my surprise, that he had never read anything by
Baldwin. I thought, how could this be possible?
Well, in 2017, it is not only possible, but also very likely
that works by people of the African diaspora are not required reading in many colleges
and universities (not to mention primary and secondary public schools).
Therefore, students could go through their entire formal education without being
exposed to any non-Anglo or non-Eurocentric readings. The implications of such
a phenomenon are profound on many levels, particularly for prospective
Today, your 17-member board is more diverse than it has ever
been. I fear if you won’t address omissions, diversity, inclusion, and
correctness in the state’s curricula now, it might never happen.
While I appeal to all members of the board of regents, I
especially call upon those regents who owe their positions to courageous forebearers
to shift swiftly, deliberately, and conscientiously toward correctness and
On behalf of current and future generations, please consider
the challenge to continue a movement that took root with former vice chancellor
emerita of the New York State Board of Regents
Adelaide Sanford, the late education advocate and New York State education
commissioner Thomas Sobel, and others.
Bernard Gassaway
Hempstead, NY (Brooklyn)
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